Tag Archives: addiction

Might As Well Face It, You’re Addicted To EVERYTHING

17 Jul

What the hell is wrong with you people?

How was Robert Palmer ever popular? If those girls in the video looked any happier I could have scraped them off my shoe.

Now that I have your attention, let me elaborate on my original point.

I think it’s a fair assessment that we live in a culture dedicated to a couple of fundamental principles. First, the acquisition of wealth: which of course translates into the acquisition of material goods. Whoever dies with the most toys wins, blah blah blah. We spend the vast majority of our waking lives locked in jobs we hate, completing ultimately meaningless tasks, and going home stripped of our desire to live, all in the interest of a) basic necessities of life, and b) the hope of one day accumulating more than just those basic necessities. How many people burn their metaphorical candles at both ends so they can afford that brand-new SUV, or the cottage in Muskoka, or whatever shiny new trinket their pampered, entitled children have been whining about ever since that Jones boy down the street got one? It’s blatant consumerism and it can’t possibly be healthy in my estimation.

Ford Edge

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