Tag Archives: EnvironMilitant

Christian Conservatives Scare the Crap Out of Me

6 Apr

So Christina McGregor over at EnvironMilitant sent me this ‘website’ today called ChristWire. I’ve been reading through the articles for the last couple of hours, and I can firmly say, I feel like I’m going to puke. I debated whether or not to even talk about this website. But now that I’m good and angry, how could I not?

ChristWire, founded by Pastor Jack Gould is a conservative Christian squawk box for the what looks like the dumbest people on the planet. Here’s their mission statement:

Our culture was built on the guiding principles of conservatism and Christianity, from which all morality is born. As such American heritage was meant to be passed on from generation to generation, ensuring that our principles…our values…were never compromised.

But alas, the Left Wing Conspiracy and Liberal Agenda is spreading like a plague not only through our fine society, but through lesser cultures as well. Their sinful antics and attempt to pass off their wanton carnal desires into mainstream culture is destroying society and mankind.

That’s where we come in. Together, in this community, you and your Moral Leaders will combat the evil liberals of this world and once again ensure that a bit of freedom and righteousness once again permeates every country, and let those who don’t abide by our teachings know the eternal pit of hellfire shall be awaiting!

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